Class Diagrams¶
This is a simple viewer for class diagrams. Customized towards the book.
- Refer to earlier chapters as notebooks here, as here: Earlier Chapter.
To use the code provided in this chapter, write
>>> from debuggingbook.ClassDiagram import <identifier>
and then make use of the following features.
The function display_class_hierarchy()
function shows the class hierarchy for the given class (or list of classes).
- The keyword parameter
, if given, is a list of "public" methods to be used by clients (default: all methods with docstrings). - The keyword parameter
, if given, is a list of classes to be displayed as "abstract" (i.e. with a cursive class name).
>>> display_class_hierarchy(D_Class, abstract_classes=[A_Class])
Getting a Class Hierarchy¶
Using mro()
, we can access the class hierarchy. We make sure to avoid duplicates created by class X(X)
# ignore
from typing import Callable, Dict, Type, Set, List, Union, Any, Tuple, Optional
def class_hierarchy(cls: Type) -> List[Type]:
superclasses = cls.mro()
hierarchy = []
last_superclass_name = ""
for superclass in superclasses:
if superclass.__name__ != last_superclass_name:
last_superclass_name = superclass.__name__
return hierarchy
Here's an example:
class A_Class:
"""A Class which does A thing right.
Comes with a longer docstring."""
def foo(self) -> None:
"""The Adventures of the glorious Foo"""
def quux(self) -> None:
"""A method that is not used."""
class A_Class(A_Class):
# We define another function in a separate cell.
def second(self) -> None:
class B_Class(A_Class):
"""A subclass inheriting some methods."""
VAR = "A variable"
def foo(self) -> None:
"""A WW2 foo fighter."""
def bar(self, qux: Any = None, bartender: int = 42) -> None:
"""A qux walks into a bar.
`bartender` is an optional attribute."""
SomeType = List[Optional[Union[str, int]]]
class C_Class:
"""A class injecting some method"""
def qux(self, arg: SomeType) -> SomeType:
return arg
class D_Class(B_Class, C_Class):
"""A subclass inheriting from multiple superclasses.
Comes with a fairly long, but meaningless documentation."""
def foo(self) -> None:
class D_Class(D_Class):
pass # An incremental addiiton that should not impact D's semantics
[__main__.D_Class, __main__.B_Class, __main__.A_Class, __main__.C_Class, object]
Getting a Class Tree¶
We can use __bases__
to obtain the immediate base classes.
returns a class tree, using the "lowest" (most specialized) class with the same name.
def class_tree(cls: Type, lowest: Optional[Type] = None) -> List[Tuple[Type, List]]:
ret = []
for base in cls.__bases__:
if base.__name__ == cls.__name__:
if not lowest:
lowest = cls
ret += class_tree(base, lowest)
if lowest:
cls = lowest
ret.append((cls, class_tree(base)))
return ret
[(__main__.D_Class, [(__main__.B_Class, [(__main__.A_Class, [])])]), (__main__.D_Class, [(__main__.C_Class, [])])]
assert class_tree(D_Class)[0][0] == D_Class
flattens the tree into a set:
def class_set(classes: Union[Type, List[Type]]) -> Set[Type]:
if not isinstance(classes, list):
classes = [classes]
ret = set()
def traverse_tree(tree: List[Tuple[Type, List]]) -> None:
for (cls, subtrees) in tree:
for subtree in subtrees:
for cls in classes:
return ret
{__main__.A_Class, __main__.B_Class, __main__.C_Class, __main__.D_Class}
assert A_Class in class_set(D_Class)
assert B_Class in class_set(D_Class)
assert C_Class in class_set(D_Class)
assert D_Class in class_set(D_Class)
class_set([B_Class, C_Class])
{__main__.A_Class, __main__.B_Class, __main__.C_Class}
Getting Docs¶
'A Class which does A thing right.\n Comes with a longer docstring.'
<function -> None>
'The Adventures of the glorious Foo'
def docstring(obj: Any) -> str:
doc = inspect.getdoc(obj)
return doc if doc else ""
'A Class which does A thing right.\nComes with a longer docstring.'
'A WW2 foo fighter.'
def unknown() -> None:
def escape(text: str) -> str:
text = html.escape(text)
assert '<' not in text
assert '>' not in text
text = text.replace('{', '{')
text = text.replace('|', '|')
text = text.replace('}', '}')
return text
def escape_doc(docstring: str) -> str:
docstring = "
' ' * DOC_INDENT + escape(line).strip()
for line in docstring.split('\n')
return docstring
print(escape_doc("'Hello\n {You|Me}'"))
Getting Methods and Variables¶
[('VAR', 'A variable'), ('__class__', type), ('__delattr__', <slot wrapper '__delattr__' of 'object' objects>), ('__dict__', mappingproxy({'__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': None})), ('__dir__', <method '__dir__' of 'object' objects>), ('__doc__', None), ('__eq__', <slot wrapper '__eq__' of 'object' objects>), ('__format__', <method '__format__' of 'object' objects>), ('__ge__', <slot wrapper '__ge__' of 'object' objects>), ('__getattribute__', <slot wrapper '__getattribute__' of 'object' objects>), ('__getstate__', <method '__getstate__' of 'object' objects>), ('__gt__', <slot wrapper '__gt__' of 'object' objects>), ('__hash__', <slot wrapper '__hash__' of 'object' objects>), ('__init__', <slot wrapper '__init__' of 'object' objects>), ('__init_subclass__', <function D_Class.__init_subclass__>), ('__le__', <slot wrapper '__le__' of 'object' objects>), ('__lt__', <slot wrapper '__lt__' of 'object' objects>), ('__module__', '__main__'), ('__ne__', <slot wrapper '__ne__' of 'object' objects>), ('__new__', <function object.__new__(*args, **kwargs)>), ('__reduce__', <method '__reduce__' of 'object' objects>), ('__reduce_ex__', <method '__reduce_ex__' of 'object' objects>), ('__repr__', <slot wrapper '__repr__' of 'object' objects>), ('__setattr__', <slot wrapper '__setattr__' of 'object' objects>), ('__sizeof__', <method '__sizeof__' of 'object' objects>), ('__str__', <slot wrapper '__str__' of 'object' objects>), ('__subclasshook__', <function D_Class.__subclasshook__>), ('__weakref__', <attribute '__weakref__' of 'A_Class' objects>), ('bar', <function, qux: Any = None, bartender: int = 42) -> None>), ('foo', <function -> None>), ('quux', <function __main__.A_Class.quux(self) -> None>), ('qux', <function __main__.C_Class.qux(self, arg: List[Union[int, str, NoneType]]) -> List[Union[int, str, NoneType]]>), ('second', <function __main__.A_Class.second(self) -> None>)]
def class_items(cls: Type, pred: Callable) -> List[Tuple[str, Any]]:
def _class_items(cls: Type) -> List:
all_items = inspect.getmembers(cls, pred)
for base in cls.__bases__:
all_items += _class_items(base)
return all_items
unique_items = []
items_seen = set()
for (name, item) in _class_items(cls):
if name not in items_seen:
unique_items.append((name, item))
return unique_items
def class_methods(cls: Type) -> List[Tuple[str, Callable]]:
return class_items(cls, inspect.isfunction)
def defined_in(name: str, cls: Type) -> bool:
if not hasattr(cls, name):
return False
defining_classes = []
def search_superclasses(name: str, cls: Type) -> None:
if not hasattr(cls, name):
for base in cls.__bases__:
if hasattr(base, name):
search_superclasses(name, base)
search_superclasses(name, cls)
if any(cls.__name__ != c.__name__ for c in defining_classes):
return False # Already defined in superclass
return True
assert not defined_in('VAR', A_Class)
assert defined_in('VAR', B_Class)
assert not defined_in('VAR', C_Class)
assert not defined_in('VAR', D_Class)
def class_vars(cls: Type) -> List[Any]:
def is_var(item: Any) -> bool:
return not callable(item)
return [item for item in class_items(cls, is_var)
if not item[0].startswith('__') and defined_in(item[0], cls)]
[('bar', <function, qux: Any = None, bartender: int = 42) -> None>), ('foo', <function -> None>), ('quux', <function __main__.A_Class.quux(self) -> None>), ('qux', <function __main__.C_Class.qux(self, arg: List[Union[int, str, NoneType]]) -> List[Union[int, str, NoneType]]>), ('second', <function __main__.A_Class.second(self) -> None>)]
[('VAR', 'A variable')]
We're only interested in
- functions defined in that class
- functions that come with a docstring
def public_class_methods(cls: Type) -> List[Tuple[str, Callable]]:
return [(name, method) for (name, method) in class_methods(cls)
if method.__qualname__.startswith(cls.__name__)]
def doc_class_methods(cls: Type) -> List[Tuple[str, Callable]]:
return [(name, method) for (name, method) in public_class_methods(cls)
if docstring(method) is not None]
[('foo', <function -> None>)]
[('foo', <function -> None>)]
def overloaded_class_methods(classes: Union[Type, List[Type]]) -> Set[str]:
all_methods: Dict[str, Set[Callable]] = {}
for cls in class_set(classes):
for (name, method) in class_methods(cls):
if method.__qualname__.startswith(cls.__name__):
all_methods.setdefault(name, set())
return set(name for name in all_methods if len(all_methods[name]) >= 2)
Drawing Class Hierarchy with Method Names¶
def display_class_hierarchy(classes: Union[Type, List[Type]], *,
public_methods: Optional[List] = None,
abstract_classes: Optional[List] = None,
include_methods: bool = True,
include_class_vars: bool = True,
include_legend: bool = True,
local_defs_only: bool = True,
types: Dict[str, Any] = {},
project: str = 'fuzzingbook',
log: bool = False) -> Any:
"""Visualize a class hierarchy.
`classes` is a Python class (or a list of classes) to be visualized.
`public_methods`, if given, is a list of methods to be shown as "public" (bold).
(Default: all methods with a docstring)
`abstract_classes`, if given, is a list of classes to be shown as "abstract" (cursive).
(Default: all classes with an abstract method)
`include_methods`: if set (default), include all methods
`include_legend`: if set (default), include a legend
`local_defs_only`: if set (default), hide details of imported classes
`types`: type names with definitions, to be used in docs
from graphviz import Digraph # type: ignore
if project == 'debuggingbook':
CLASS_FONT = 'Raleway, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif'
CLASS_COLOR = '#6A0DAD' # HTML 'purple'
CLASS_FONT = 'Patua One, Helvetica, sans-serif'
METHOD_FONT = "'Fira Mono', 'Source Code Pro', 'Courier', monospace"
METHOD_COLOR = 'black'
if isinstance(classes, list):
starting_class = classes[0]
starting_class = classes
classes = [starting_class]
title = starting_class.__name__ + " class hierarchy"
dot = Digraph(comment=title)
dot.attr('node', shape='record', fontname=CLASS_FONT)
dot.attr('graph', rankdir='BT', tooltip=title)
dot.attr('edge', arrowhead='empty')
# Hack to force rendering as HTML, allowing hovers and links in Jupyter
dot._repr_html_ = dot._repr_image_svg_xml
edges = set()
overloaded_methods: Set[str] = set()
drawn_classes = set()
def method_string(method_name: str, public: bool, overloaded: bool,
fontsize: float = 10.0) -> str:
method_string = f'<font face="{METHOD_FONT}" point-size="{str(fontsize)}">'
if overloaded:
name = f'<i>{method_name}()</i>'
name = f'{method_name}()'
if public:
method_string += f'<b>{name}</b>'
method_string += f'<font color="{METHOD_COLOR}">' \
method_string += '</font>'
return method_string
def var_string(var_name: str, fontsize: int = 10) -> str:
var_string = f'<font face="{METHOD_FONT}" point-size="{str(fontsize)}">'
var_string += f'{var_name}'
var_string += '</font>'
return var_string
def is_overloaded(method_name: str, f: Any) -> bool:
return (method_name in overloaded_methods or
(docstring(f) is not None and "in subclasses" in docstring(f)))
def is_abstract(cls: Type) -> bool:
if not abstract_classes:
return inspect.isabstract(cls)
return (cls in abstract_classes or
any(c.__name__ == cls.__name__ for c in abstract_classes))
def is_public(method_name: str, f: Any) -> bool:
if public_methods:
return (method_name in public_methods or
f in public_methods or
any(f.__qualname__ == m.__qualname__
for m in public_methods))
return bool(docstring(f))
def frame_module(frameinfo: Any) -> str:
return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(frameinfo.frame.f_code.co_filename))[0]
def callers() -> List[str]:
frames = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())
return [frame_module(frameinfo) for frameinfo in frames]
def is_local_class(cls: Type) -> bool:
return cls.__module__ == '__main__' or cls.__module__ in callers()
def class_vars_string(cls: Type, url: str) -> str:
cls_vars = class_vars(cls)
if len(cls_vars) == 0:
return ""
vars_string = f'<table border="0" cellpadding="0" ' \
f'cellspacing="0" ' \
f'align="left" tooltip="{cls.__name__}" href="#">'
for (name, var) in cls_vars:
if log:
print(f" Drawing {name}")
var_doc = escape(f"{name} = {repr(var)}")
tooltip = f' tooltip="{var_doc}"'
href = f' href="{url}"'
vars_string += f'<tr><td align="left" border="0"' \
vars_string += var_string(name)
vars_string += '</td></tr>'
vars_string += '</table>'
return vars_string
def class_methods_string(cls: Type, url: str) -> str:
methods = public_class_methods(cls)
# return "<br/>".join([name + "()" for (name, f) in methods])
methods_string = f'<table border="0" cellpadding="0" ' \
f'cellspacing="0" ' \
f'align="left" tooltip="{cls.__name__}" href="#">'
public_methods_only = local_defs_only and not is_local_class(cls)
methods_seen = False
for public in [True, False]:
for (name, f) in methods:
if public != is_public(name, f):
if public_methods_only and not public:
if log:
print(f" Drawing {name}()")
if is_public(name, f) and not docstring(f):
warnings.warn(f"{f.__qualname__}() is listed as public,"
f" but has no docstring")
overloaded = is_overloaded(name, f)
sig = str(inspect.signature(f))
# replace 'List[Union[...]]' by the actual type def
for tp in types:
tp_def = str(types[tp]).replace('typing.', '')
sig = sig.replace(tp_def, tp)
sig = sig.replace('__main__.', '')
method_doc = escape(name + sig)
if docstring(f):
method_doc += ":
" + escape_doc(docstring(f))
if log:
print(f" Method doc: {method_doc}")
# Tooltips are only shown if a href is present, too
tooltip = f' tooltip="{method_doc}"'
href = f' href="{url}"'
methods_string += f'<tr><td align="left" border="0"' \
methods_string += method_string(name, public, overloaded)
methods_string += '</td></tr>'
methods_seen = True
if not methods_seen:
return ""
methods_string += '</table>'
return methods_string
def display_class_node(cls: Type) -> None:
name = cls.__name__
if name in drawn_classes:
if log:
print(f"Drawing class {name}")
if cls.__module__ == '__main__':
url = '#'
url = cls.__module__ + '.ipynb'
if is_abstract(cls):
formatted_class_name = f'<i>{cls.__name__}</i>'
formatted_class_name = cls.__name__
if include_methods or include_class_vars:
vars = class_vars_string(cls, url)
methods = class_methods_string(cls, url)
spec = '<{<b><font color="' + CLASS_COLOR + '">' + \
formatted_class_name + '</font></b>'
if include_class_vars and vars:
spec += '|' + vars
if include_methods and methods:
spec += '|' + methods
spec += '}>'
spec = '<' + formatted_class_name + '>'
class_doc = escape('class ' + cls.__name__)
if docstring(cls):
class_doc += ':
' + escape_doc(docstring(cls))
warnings.warn(f"Class {cls.__name__} has no docstring")
dot.node(name, spec, tooltip=class_doc, href=url)
def display_class_trees(trees: List[Tuple[Type, List]]) -> None:
for tree in trees:
(cls, subtrees) = tree
for subtree in subtrees:
(subcls, _) = subtree
if (cls.__name__, subcls.__name__) not in edges:
dot.edge(cls.__name__, subcls.__name__)
edges.add((cls.__name__, subcls.__name__))
def display_legend() -> None:
fontsize = 8.0
label = f'<b><font color="{CLASS_COLOR}">Legend</font></b><br align="left"/>'
for item in [
public=True, overloaded=False, fontsize=fontsize),
public=False, overloaded=False, fontsize=fontsize),
public=False, overloaded=True, fontsize=fontsize)
label += '• ' + item + '<br align="left"/>'
label += f'<font face="Helvetica" point-size="{str(fontsize + 1)}">' \
'Hover over names to see doc' \
'</font><br align="left"/>'
dot.node('Legend', label=f'<{label}>', shape='plain', fontsize=str(fontsize + 2))
for cls in classes:
tree = class_tree(cls)
overloaded_methods = overloaded_class_methods(cls)
if include_legend:
return dot
display_class_hierarchy(D_Class, types={'SomeType': SomeType},
project='debuggingbook', log=True)
Drawing class D_Class Drawing foo() Method doc: foo(self) -> None:
A WW2 foo fighter. Drawing class B_Class Drawing VAR Drawing bar() Method doc: bar(self, qux: Any = None, bartender: int = 42) -> None:
A qux walks into a bar.
`bartender` is an optional attribute. Drawing foo() Method doc: foo(self) -> None:
A WW2 foo fighter. Drawing class A_Class Drawing foo() Method doc: foo(self) -> None:
The Adventures of the glorious Foo Drawing quux() Method doc: quux(self) -> None:
A method that is not used. Drawing second() Method doc: second(self) -> None Drawing class C_Class Drawing qux() Method doc: qux(self, arg: SomeType) -> SomeType
display_class_hierarchy(D_Class, types={'SomeType': SomeType},
Here is a variant with abstract classes and logging:
display_class_hierarchy([A_Class, B_Class],
Drawing class A_Class Drawing quux() Method doc: quux(self) -> None:
A method that is not used. Drawing foo() Method doc: foo(self) -> None:
The Adventures of the glorious Foo Drawing second() Method doc: second(self) -> None Drawing class B_Class Drawing VAR Drawing bar() Method doc: bar(self, qux: Any = None, bartender: int = 42) -> None:
A qux walks into a bar.
`bartender` is an optional attribute. Drawing foo() Method doc: foo(self) -> None:
A WW2 foo fighter.
The function display_class_hierarchy()
function shows the class hierarchy for the given class (or list of classes).
- The keyword parameter
, if given, is a list of "public" methods to be used by clients (default: all methods with docstrings). - The keyword parameter
, if given, is a list of classes to be displayed as "abstract" (i.e. with a cursive class name).
display_class_hierarchy(D_Class, abstract_classes=[A_Class])